Readings from the Quran [15]: This World and the Next
Set forth an example for them about worldly life being like water We send down from the sky.
The plants on the earth swell up with it; yet some morning they will become dry weeds which the winds will blow away.
God is Competent to do everything!
Wealth and children are an attraction during worldly life.
Yet honorable deeds that last for ever are better as a recompense from you Lord and even better to hope for.
Some day We shall set the mountains traveling along and you will see the earth lying exposed.
We will summon them and not one of them shall We omit;
they will me marshaled in ranks before your Lord:
"You have come to Us as We created you in the first place even though you claimed
We would never make any appointment for you."
The Book will be produced and you will see criminals apprehensive about its contents.
The will say: "It's too late for us! What does this book mean for me?
It omits nothing either small nor large unless it is accounted for."
They will find whatever they have done presented there,
even though you Lord will not wrong anyone.
Quran 18:45-49
The plants on the earth swell up with it; yet some morning they will become dry weeds which the winds will blow away.
God is Competent to do everything!
Wealth and children are an attraction during worldly life.
Yet honorable deeds that last for ever are better as a recompense from you Lord and even better to hope for.
Some day We shall set the mountains traveling along and you will see the earth lying exposed.
We will summon them and not one of them shall We omit;
they will me marshaled in ranks before your Lord:
"You have come to Us as We created you in the first place even though you claimed
We would never make any appointment for you."
The Book will be produced and you will see criminals apprehensive about its contents.
The will say: "It's too late for us! What does this book mean for me?
It omits nothing either small nor large unless it is accounted for."
They will find whatever they have done presented there,
even though you Lord will not wrong anyone.
Quran 18:45-49
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