Al-Karim [The Generous]
Let not the intention of your aspiration shift to what is other than He,
for one's hopes cannot outstrip the Generous [al-Karim].
Ibn Ata Illah -RA
Let not the intention of your aspiration shift to what is other than He,
Realize your attributes and He will help you with His Attributes;
Whoever is not thankful for graces runs the risk of losing them,
The sword does not cut because of its nature, but it is Allah who cuts with it.
This world and the hereafter cannot be combined.
Ask of Him [Allah] in accordance with His Power.
When you rely on the Lord of Truth and observe your duty to Him in private and in public,
He who has sent down the sickness, He is the One who will send down the remedy. He is more Aware than any other of what is beneficial. Entertain no doubts about your Lord where His working is concerned. Your own self deserves to be treated with suspicion and blame, rather than anything else. Say to it: "The carrot is for those who obey, and the stick is for those who disobey."
Beware, the life of this world is nothing but a pastime, a momentary delight. It is but empty bragging, a pursuit of wealth and children. It is like the vegetation that flourishes after rain and is a source of delight to the farmer; but soon it turns yellow and withers away, crumbling into worthless waste. But in the life to come an eternal contentment or a grievous suffering awaits you. The life of this world is only an illusion.