Readings from the Quran [23]: A Gracious Guardian
render the alms levy [zakaat],
and hold fast to God;
for He is your Guardian.
A gracious Guardian and a
gracious Helper!
Quran 22: 78b
And had it not been God's grace and mercy, forgiveness and wisdom,
He would never have revealed to you His revelations....
And had it not been God's grace and mercy towards you in this life and in the life to come,
you would long ago have been punished for what you did….
And had it not been God's grace and mercy, forgiveness and compassion,
you would long ago have been punished.
You are true believers, so do not walk in the footsteps of Satan.
Those who walk in Satan's footsteps, find themselves committing acts of indecency and evil.
And had it not been God's grace and mercy, none of you would ever have kept himself pure.
God purifies those whom He chooses; He hears all and knows all.
Those of you with wealth and power should never swear to withhold your help from your relatives,
from the poor, and from those who have lost their homes in the service of God.
Rather they should pardon and forgive.
Do you not want God to forgive you? He is forgiving and merciful.
Quran 24. 10, 14a, 20-22